British Values and Cultural Capital


Branston Pre-School Centre incorporates British Values in our daily practice and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.

The fundamental British Values are: Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect.  The following examples are how we actively promote British Values within the setting:


  • We encourage children to know that their views count and opinions are important by following their interests for topics and activities.
  • We enable children to make decisions together when sharing toys or constructing together.
  • Children are encouraged to see their own role in society during our discussions about family, Pre-School, moving to bigger school or living in Branston.
  • Children learn to value each other's views and beliefs and can talk about their feelings during circle time or within their Keyworker group activities.
  • At storytime children have the opportunity to vote by raising their hands to choose a book to listen to.
  • Our resources and activities are chosen to encourage turn-taking, sharing, discussion and working together.
  • During circle time and within Keyworker groups the children are encouraged to listen to others and to value and respect the contributions made by their peers.
  • We have created an environment where it is safe to make mistakes, share thoughts and ideas and to explore different options.

The Rule of Law

  • Staff and children work together to create group rules.
  • At registration we discuss our rules and how they keep everyone safe and happy.
  • Our yellow 'reflection' chair and feelings board teaches children to understand their own and others behaviour and feelings, along with their consequences.
  • We work in an environment where actions are consistent, followed through and open for discussion.
  • Children are encouraged and supported to understand right from wrong and to take turns, share and compromise.

Individual Liberty

  • We plan activities to enable children to develop a positive sense of themselves.
  • We share achievements during registation to help develop self-esteem and promote independence in self-care skills to help develop confidence.
  • Our free flow setting enables children to try a range of different activities and opportunities as well as allowing them to discuss and select their own preferences.
  • Children are encouraged to ask questions and trust that their opinions and ideas will be respected and valued.
  • We plan activities and incorporate resources to allow children to follow and develop their own interests and ideas.
  • We avoid gender stereotypes and children are encouraged and free to play as they wish.
  • Children are encouraged to value and respect differences whilst also appreciating similarities.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • We work as a group to create an environment that includes, values and promotes different faiths, cultures, views and races.
  • We provide opportunities for the children to make links with the wider community: outings to local places, stay and play sessions for family members and we invite speakers to visit us.
  • We enjoy celebrating a wide range of festivals and occasions to enable the children to learn about their differences and similarities.
  • Children have the opportunity to learn about the world around them through local trips and visits, books, videos, cultural days, local events and national celebrations.


Ofsted's new Education Inspection Framework has introduced the concept of cultural capital.  Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success.  It is about giving children the best possible start to their early years education.

Branston Pre-School Centre has devised a curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to ALL children.  We endeavour to help the children experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live through the 7 areas of learning of the EYFS.  All of our activities are planned to be exciting, stimulating and of benefit to a child's learning and development.